The Biorhythm book
Biorhythms Control Your Life - Now You can Control Your Biorhythms
  • Who Wants to Know when they are at their luckiest; when to choose their lottery numbers or when to make that bet. When is it the worst time to buy or sell that stock. 
  • Who wants to know when is the best day to go on that first date, or take that test, or ask for a raise, make that call or even when to make that key decision. 
  • Would you like to know when are you are likely to be most injury prone - maybe avoid the gym or the jog that day
  • Who Wants to avoid life threatening diseases and be able to dodge the catastrophic Events in Your Life. 
  • and who wants to know when it is the best time to just do nothing, apart from chill out and watch TV or have a pamper day, because whatever you try to do on that day will not go well.
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